Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo

An account of my experience training in Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Saturday Training

Had a good session today with jo kata.

I went through everything I know but the last kata especially was a bit hazy as I have only been shown it at my last jo class.

We also did some good kihon practice which I haven't done in a while. I felt pretty rusty, we need to do that more often, every class in fact. I felt really tired by the end of class.

Even though Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo is not an aerobically intensive style, it really works your shoulders and back muscles. My shoulder were burning during kihon. Tonight my traps and back feel a little stiff, but it's all good.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Tanjo Techniques

Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo is more than just jo.

There is, of course, kenjutsu, but then there is other weapons syllabus as well.

The other night at kenjutsu training we spent the last half hour doing tanjo.

The tanjo is about the size of a walking stick. Very practical, it is a modern addition to the system appearing in the 1800's due to the modernisation of Japanese society and Western influence.

I enjoyed it very much and look forward to more. This system is so fascinating.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Back to Training

Training has been on and off while I've been on holidays.

Now I'm returning to my regular schedule and back into serious training.

I feel like I have a bit to catch up on.
Kenjutsu Monday night.

Monday, August 09, 2004

In Harmony

Sensei Nishioka with Senior Teaching Assistant Arai San. Posted by Hello

Monday, August 02, 2004

Good Training

I've had some good training this week.

Saturday was Jo. I went through all the sword side of the kata, picked up heaps of fine points which I've now forgotten. I shouldn't say that. I do remember some.

Footwork is so important in this. What's fascinating is that it is so simple but feels so hard to do. Just stand naturally is what they teach, but I always have this inclination to move into other positions. These are bad habits from other styles that teach you to move like a robot. I just need to relax, let it happen.

Tonight was kenjutsu, heaps of kata work. I had a good night tonight and got a few questions answered. I feel like I've walked away with a little bit of knowledge. I'll work on it in the backyard.